What Is A Concession Assessment?

In the South African education system, learners with disabilities and special needs receive support that helps them achieve their full potential. This support is known as a concession assessment. A concession assessment may be an informal or formal process, which means it can take different forms depending on the learner’s needs. The purpose of a concession assessment is to determine whether a learner has barriers that prevent him or her from achieving results similar to those achieved by other learners in the same grade level and subject area.

Concession assessments are formal and informal means through which learners with barriers achieve better results. The formal means that teachers use in the classroom include allowing students to take a test at their own pace or giving them extra time to complete an assignment. The informal means that learners use outside of school include asking their parents for help, using Google or other search engines to find answers, or visiting websites that provide additional content. Concession assessments are used by both people who have physical health issues as well as those who suffer from emotional or learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADD/ADHD/LDs (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), autism spectrum disorder etcetera

What Is The Purpose Of A Concession Assessment By An Educational Psychologist?

The purpose of a concession assessment is to ensure that learners with barriers achieve the same level of learning as other learners. A concession assessment is used when a learner cannot perform at the same level as other learners because of a barrier, such as:

  • physical disability or illness;
  • sensory impairment;
  • intellectual disability;
  • autism spectrum disorder (ASD);
  • mental health issue (including depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder);
  • language issues;

The types of barriers can vary widely between individuals and will affect each person differently. Some barriers may make it more difficult for someone to comprehend information presented in text format, while other barriers may make it difficult for someone to write at length due to motor limitations or weak fine motor skills. When reviewing an individual’s results from their concession assessments, consideration is given on how to assist children through appropriate modifications – such as additional time limits or visual aids – so children are not disadvantaged by these factors when they attempt subsequent examinations in future years.

Concession assessments can help vulnerable learners achieve better results, develop academically and socially, prepare them for further education and help them develop academically and socially.

The main purpose of concession assessment is to help learners with barriers achieve better results. It helps them develop academically and socially, prepare for further education, and identify what type of barrier they face. Concession assessments can be used to assess the academic progress of learners with barriers. They can also be helpful in identifying what type of barrier a learner faces.

When Are Concession Assessments Used?

Concession assessments are an alternative to traditional assessments for learners with barriers, such as disabilities or special needs. They can be used when it’s difficult for a learner to access the same information as other learners who don’t have barriers.

How concession assessments work:

Concession assessments are designed to allow for easy access and engagement of all learners, including those with disabilities or special needs. They can take various forms depending on the type of assessment being conducted; however, they generally involve a range of different methods that can include tasks such as surveys, interviews and role plays. The process behind concession assessments is outlined below:

  • Identify relevant outcomes (learning objectives) within the unit(s) under review
  • Create a comparison chart between the traditional assessment tool and your proposed concession assessment tool(s) based on criteria such as accessibility (identification), validity (reliability), reliability (dependability/consistency), relevancy (appropriateness/fit) and robustness (stability).

Concession Assessment Versus Regular Assessment.

A concession assessment is a process that allows students with learning disabilities to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of course content in an alternative format. It may also be used for students who have difficulty taking standard assessments for other reasons, such as English language learners. A concession assessment can be either informal or formal.

Informal concession assessments are often used to determine the progress of a student without having them take the same test as other students in their grade-level cohort. For example, if you are using Editable Assessments to measure progress on your own time, they can be set up so that they do not automatically keep score or track scores over time — which means you won’t be able to use them for grading purposes unless you assign points manually depending on how well each student does on each question.

Different Types Of Learners Requiring Special Concessions In Education.

There are many different types of learners, who require special consideration in the assessment process. In order to be inclusive, schools must assess all students in a way that is appropriate for their individual needs. For example:

  • Learners with disabilities and special needs may require reasonable accommodations or adjustments. These might include making exams accessible to blind students or providing a reader for deaf test-takers. Some schools also provide materials in alternative formats such as braille or large print.* Learners who have been through trauma can benefit from giving them more time on assignments so they don’t feel rushed.* Learners with learning difficulties will require focused feedback on their written work rather than an overall grade.* Learners who are from minority groups may need more time to complete tests due to language barriers (for example, English being their second language).* Learners who come from low socio-economic backgrounds may not have access to computers at home; this means they could struggle with digital literacy skills needed for some assessments.* Rural students may need assistance accessing technology resources which aren’t available locally (such as internet connections).

Book A Consult To Apply For A Concession Assessment Today.

There are many different ways in which learners can achieve better results through concession assessments. The main thing to remember is that as soon as possible after receiving an initial assessment, learners should apply for a concession assessment so that they can get the best possible results. Mizu Therapy & Assessment’s educational psychologists assist schools, parents, caregivers and learners across South Africa in achieving thorough successful concession accommodations based on their individual needs. Contact us for immediate assistance.