Educational Therapy is, in essence, a form of psychological therapy used to treat individuals with learning disabilities and challenges. This effective form of educational therapy offers a wide range of intensive interventions that are specifically designed to resolve a learners’ learning problems. The interventions are individualized and unique to the specific learner.
At Mizu Therapy & Assessment, our certified educational therapists in Johannesburg, work on a one-on-one basis with the children outside the school environment and all educational therapy is strictly confidential. The chosen educational therapies are powerfully used to empower and teach children new skills and strategies to embrace their learning and or thinking differences. This, in turn, brings joy, insight, and an overall improvement in schoolwork.
The educational therapies we use also involves psychotherapy; students get in touch with their feelings, thoughts, moods and behaviours in a safe, non-judgemental environment. The self-awareness experienced by children/learners brings opportunities for new ways of thinking and behaving. These new behaviours, more often than not, result in the long-term goal of releasing emotional distress for the child.