Our highly qualified and experienced educational psychologist specialising in neuropsychology

Mizu Therapy & Assessment is a leading educational psychology practice


Company Profiling

What is profiling assessment?

It is a psychometric tool that is used during the hiring process to identify the right candidates for a particular job profile by matching personality, interest, skills, and behavioural characteristics needed for successful performance. Working remotely hinders getting to know employees on a personal level. Employee profiles provides information about one’s professional skills and serves as an excellent tool for managers trying to find the perfect candidate to take on a specific role or responsibility.

It also provides a foundation for career development programmes for new or existing employees. It allows employees to uncover traits around their natural personality style, discover values and beliefs that they may be unaware of and highlight their individual areas for growth and development.


Our past memories set the foundation of how we view the world, the way we communicate, how we make our choices and what makes us happy. This workshop will help you to memorize and recall information; minimise study time so your mind can work for you instead of you for it.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress…Believe it or not is an important aspect in our lives. It becomes dangerous and debilitating when it spirals out of control. We live in a fast-paced world today, where our expectation of things has become instant, which is faster than we can process or deal with it. This transports us to a state of turbulence (Overwhelmed, burn out, pressures of daily living).  In this workshop you will also learn quick and easy techniques to manage your levels of turbulence, how to identify and deal with the underlying causes of your stress and become resilient to emotional turbulence.

EQ for kids

(Emotional Intelligence)

An emphasis is always placed on children learning their ABC’s and 123’s, however learning critical life skills that are needed to handle life’s challenges, is often overlooked. This child-orientated workshop teaches kids the skills which allows them to develop healthy self-esteem, regulate their emotions effectively and reach their full potential.

The ABC’s of Positive Parenting

We at Mizu believe that parenting is one of the most important jobs, and being a mother myself I can resonate with the challenges it brings. I believe that we are not alone in this struggle and with guidance, support and Psychoeducation we can learn concepts and techniques that can be used to increase your effectiveness as a parent and greatly reduce your daily frustrations.

At the end of this workshop, you will have a set of tools and techniques that you can apply to

your individual situation, and to reach your unique goals for your children.