What Is A School Readiness Assessment?

If you’re a teacher or parent, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your child is ready for the classroom. How do you know when they are ready? Should you turn down their offer at school because of their performance on tryout day? Not necessarily. Schools use assessments to determine whether a child can handle the level of work in the classroom, and these assessments can tell you what areas need more attention at home.

A school readiness assessment is a tool used to determine if a child is ready for schooling. During the assessment, the child will undergo several tests and interviews with an educational psychologist. The testing may consist of an interview with the parent or guardian; an interview with the child; an interview with the teacher; observation of your child in a clinical setting; etc.

The criteria used to determine school readiness are: Age, Behavior, Physical Development (including neurological/cognitive), Emotional Development/Social Development, Language & Communication Skills & Cognitive Skills (including memory).

The child (or children) will be evaluated by a team of professional educational psychologists and other specialists depending on the needs identified during the assessment process. The assessment is based on your child’s developmental level.

School Readiness Procedures and Services By Qualified Educational Psychologist.

You might have heard the terms assessment, screening, diagnostic and disability determination. There is also a difference between an assessment and a screening. An assessment requires a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s development. A screening by its nature is more limited in scope and only looks at basic skills that are necessary for success in school and life (this could include reading, writing or math). A diagnostic evaluation involves collecting data on all areas of development including academic skills as well as cognitive abilities and academic achievement levels. A diagnosis attempts to identify whether or not there is any learning disability present in the child, while also determining what type of learning disability (e.g., visual processing disorder).

A School Readiness Assessment (SRA) is designed to give parents information about their children’s development and help them make decisions about their education. The SRA will provide information on how the child is doing in relation to other kids his age, but it won’t tell you if he has any disabilities or developmental delays.

There are many different types of assessments that can be used in order to determine whether or not your child has special needs. The educational psychologist will advise on what tests and or evaluations will be necessary in this regard.

Criteria For Determining School Readiness In South Africa.

In order to determine school readiness, we must look at the following criteria:

  • The student must be at least 5 years old by September 1 of the current school year
  • The student must be able to communicate in English
  • The student must be able to walk without assistance
  • The student must be able to toilet independently
  • The student must be able to feed himself or herself independently
  • The student must be able to follow directions without assistance

The student should not have any physical disabilities that would make it difficult for him or her to participate in school activities and/or fully participate in a classroom. This includes any type of visual impairment but also includes things like autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome. If your child has one of these conditions, it’s important that you inform us so we can make sure that he or she will receive special attention as needed throughout his or her time with us.

Book A Consult With A School Readiness Assessment Specialist Today.

At Mizu Therapy & Assessment, our specialist educational psychologists deliver and use school readiness assessments to their highest potential to be a great tool for parents, educators and children. The results can help children who struggle with learning disabilities or developmental delays get the assistance they need to succeed in school. Contact us today for an in-depth evaluation.