What Is Play Therapy?
Play therapy is a type of psychotherapy that utilizes play to help children and teens express their feelings and work through their problems. Play therapy uses toys, games and other props to facilitate natural conversation between the therapist and child or teen. The goal is to promote emotional healing by bringing to the surface emotions or issues that may be buried deep in the subconscious mind.
Play therapists can work with children of any age, but they often focus on younger patients. Play therapy is used to help children deal with stress, anxiety, depression and learning disabilities. It may also be used in schools or hospitals to help students cope with difficult situations such as bullying or social isolation. Some child psychologists may use play as a way to explore problems in therapy sessions with other adults.
Play therapy is a very effective way for therapists to work with children and young people. Play therapists may use art, music, stories and other toys in their sessions. Play therapy is not just playing games or having fun. The therapist works with the child or young person to help them explore their feelings about themselves and their lives in a safe environment where they can express themselves freely.
Although play therapy is used mainly with children it can also be used with some adults who have difficulties expressing themselves verbally or are shy and find it difficult to talk about things which upset them.
Play Therapy Focuses On The Needs Of The Child.
Play therapy focuses on the needs of the child. You will help your client play in a way that meets their unique needs and goals. The child is viewed as the expert in his or her own life, with feelings and thoughts that are important to them. Play therapists do not judge children’s behaviors, but instead focus on understanding where they are coming from and what they need at that particular time in their life. Play therapy uses play as a way for children to communicate their thoughts, feelings and emotions through symbolic language (i.e., dolls) or verbally with you when they are ready (depending on age).
Play therapies have been shown to be effective because it allows children to express themselves more freely than in other forms of treatment such as talk therapy or medication alone – creating an environment where they can experience natural healing while learning coping skills so they can find solutions to their problems rather than avoid them altogether.
Play therapy can be used to help children deal with difficult situations like bullying at school or being separated from a parent for medical reasons. It can also be used to teach problem-solving skills that are necessary for everyday life. For example, if your child is having trouble making friends because they’re shy or afraid of other kids’ teasing comments about their clothes or hair style, the therapist might suggest ways that your child could make some new friends by joining sports teams or going on field trips with other classmates who share similar interests (e.g., visiting museums).
Benefits Of Group And Family Play Therapy For Parents And Children.
Family and group play therapy can also be very beneficial for parents. Parents can learn how to respond in a positive manner to their child’s behavior, develop a better understanding of the way their child perceives the world and can also help their child with any problems he or she may be facing. Through family or group play therapy, parents will learn how to relate more effectively with their children, which will lead to healthier relationships between them.
Children who are withdrawn or isolated will also benefit from group play therapy. Group play therapy is a very effective way of helping children learn how to be assertive, as well as how to respect the boundaries of others.
Some children may be withdrawn or isolated from other children and may benefit from group play therapy because it gives them the chance to interact with others in a safe environment. Group play therapy can also help a child learn how to work out their problems or conflicts without hurting others, which will promote self-esteem and social development.
Play Therapy Is Often Used With Autistic Children.
Play therapy is often used with autistic children, as it can help them focus on the present moment. Play therapy allows autistic children to communicate through play in a way that’s more comfortable for them. By focusing on the present moment and not being distracted by anxiety or other concerns, autistic children can use their imagination and creativity to express themselves in ways they may not otherwise be able to.
Play therapy can also help autistic children learn social skills by giving them an opportunity to interact with someone outside of their immediate family or circle of friends who doesn’t know any details about their situation. The therapist will ask questions about the toys chosen by the child and how they are used, encouraging communication between both parties.
Play therapists may use art, music, storytelling and other toys in their sessions.
Art therapy uses drawings and other forms of art to help patients express difficult emotions or thoughts. It can also be used to target specific areas of the body that are causing pain. Music therapy is often used to help people relax and reduce stress levels, as well as improve focus or concentration on tasks such as homework assignments. Storytelling is another way that play therapists might help their patients explore their feelings through imaginative play rather than words alone; this type of technique has been shown to improve test scores among children who participate in it regularly! Dollhouse therapy can help children learn how they interact with others by allowing them to practice interpersonal relationships within safe confines before putting themselves out there in real life situations where they might get hurt emotionally if things don’t go according to plan (or worse yet…if someone else gets hurt).
Book A Session With Certified Educational Play Therapy Child Psychologists in South Africa Today
Play therapy is a very effective way to help children and young people who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. It can be used as part of other treatment or on its own, depending on the needs of each individual child or family. Mizu Therapy & Assessments’ highly qualified educational and child psychologists and play therapists in Johannesburg, work with children across South Africa to build their self esteem and develop positive relationships with others through play activities and therapies.